Blending & Formulating
Whether your needs demand simple or exotic formulating, the review of a single product or an entire product line, CustomPAK can help. We have a large reserve of proven stock formulas and offer custom formulating to fit your specific needs. Quantities range from a drum to a tanker and sample runs for trade shows, new product introductions and performance testing is also available.
We have a wide range of blending expertise, including the capability for hot, cold and ambient blending, emulsions and / or other complex multi-stage batches. Our blending capacities range from a drum to a tanker. Our capabilities include…Low Flash PointLow / High pHAlcohol Based (ATF Certificate Holder)Low to High ViscosityEnzyme / Water BasedEPA (Registered Packaging House)Hot / Cold / Ambient BlendingAvailability of Hot / Cold / Ambient Blending Availability of softened, RO or De-Ionized WaterTank Sizes 50 – 6,500 gallonsLiquids ~ Pastes ~ Multi-Stage Blends In-House Fleet of Tankers Active Railroad Siding.
Whether you are looking to introduce a new product from a concept or a simple review of an existing product, CustomPAK can help. Our experienced staff and network of professionals can assist you at all phases in the process. Let CustomPAK and 85 years of experience work for you – we often times make the process quicker and more economical than most thought possible.
Since CustomPAK stays on top of changing industry trends – we can assist your team in reformulating your products to meet evolving regulatory mandates. Whether the goal is to improve your product, meet current or future standards or reformulate to meet a targeted price point – CustomPAK is your total fulfillment source.
